Friday, 6 January 2012

Education And Culture in Egypt

 Education And Culture in Egypt

The most famous educational institution in Cairo is the Al-Azhar University, the oldest in the Islamic world. The institution has grown up around the Al-Azhar Mosque, the oldest Mosque in Cairo. The Fatimid founded both the university and Mosque in 970. Al-Azhar University is an authoritative voice throughout the Islamic world, and its positions on important issues are influential in Egypt and the Arab world. Other institutions of higher education include Cairo University (Founded in1908) and Ain Shams University (1950), which together enrols more than 100,000 students; and the American University in Cairo, founded in 1919, where the children of Egypt's elite mingle with students and faculty from abroad. Egyptian history is displayed and preserved in the city's numerous Museum collections. The Egyptian Museum (Founded in 1902) contains hundreds of thousands of artefacts, including more than 1700 pieces from the collection of Tutankhamen. The Museum of Islamic Arts (1881) contains a vast collection relating to early Islamic civilization, and the Coptic Museum (1910) traces the history of the Coptic community in Egypt. Other Cairo Museums maintain collections relating to more modern themes; these range from the El-Gawhara Palace Museum, built in 1811 in the Ottoman style, to the Mahmoud Khalil Museum, founded in 1963, which contains works by Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Peter Paul Rubens, and other European and Egyptian painters of renown

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom.

Pyramids of Giza
There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt. The three largest and best-preserved of these were built at Giza at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. The most well-known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the 'Great Pyramid'.

Nile River is longest river in the world

 Nile River is longest river in the world

As we know The Nile river is the lifeblood for Egyptian people. It is amazing and interesting feeling if you go to Nile River and take small craft and stay in the middle of the river and see how the Nile River is big Miracle in Egypt.

The Nile is famous as the longest river in the world. The river got its name from the Greek word Neilos, which means valley. The Nile floods the lands in Egypt, leaving behind black sediment. That's why the ancient Egyptians named the river Ar, meaning black.
 How long is the Nile River? - The Nile River is actually 6695 kilometers (4184 miles) long. With such a long length, the Nile River is speculated to be the longest river in the world. The Amazon River runs a very close second, although it has been difficult to determine which is actually longer. River Nile facts state it winds from Uganda to Ethiopia, flowing through a total of nine countries. While the Nile River is often associated with Egypt, it actually touches Ethiopia, Zaire, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Sudan, as well as Egypt. It's only recent that the first known navigation team successfully followed the river from beginning to its end.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

What have I achieved in 2011?

What have I achieved in 2011?

As we know 2011 has finished with good things and bad things. Finally the year ended, some people believe that 2011 was full of bad things, like, there were many Muslims were killed, when they made their revolution and I agreed with them in this point. On other hand, there were some people believed that it was a good year, because we stepped down our unjust presidents. And this is a good thing 'I greed with them in it'.

In 2011 I have achieved many things, which will affect my life. The first thing I have achieved, and I found it very difficult to pass, is my study in secondary school in my country. When I achieved this step I felt like someone how died and went to the paradise.

Furthermore, In 2011 I came to Malaysia to continue my study in UTeM, which made me very proud, and I know this thing wasn't completed without a help from Allah.

Moreover, in 2011 I visited Malaysia and went to new places that I visited for the first time such as Kuala Lampur, Melaka, and more new places. 

One of the things I achieved in 2011 is meeting new and good people from different counties like Yemen, Malaysia, and Cambodia.

These are things I achieved in 2011, I believe this was a good year, but I am sad for the Muslims who were killed in that year.

New Year resolution

New Year resolution

In our life we should be having some resolutions, to achieve them, if the person didn't have any resolution in his life he will look like, the person who doesn't know his name. He will look like the person who lives without an identity. In this year, I have many resolutions to be achieved. In the first day of this year, I drew a big plan for this year to be achieved. And may Allah help me to achieve this resolution.

The first resolution is praying. I promise Allah that I will pray all Daily prayers in the Mosque.

Furthermore, the second resolution is that I will be honest with all people. 

The third thing I made decision for is that I will study hardly to improve my English language, I need to be fluent in English, and I will study hard to achieve this resolution.

The last resolution in this year is visiting new countries like china, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Indonesia. I would like to visit these countries because, I heard good things about these countries and they are having historical places.

These are my resolutions about the New Year. May Allah help me to achieve them.      

If I have superpower I would be

If I have superpower I would be

If you have superpower you should use it to do achievements to yourself, surrounding people and your country. As we know there are many superpowers in our life, like, physical superpower, money superpower and mental superpower. If you have any of these superpowers, what you would you like to be? 

 The first superpower I will talk about it is physical superpower, which means, I have highly fit body. If I have this superpower, I would do old people a lot of favors, fulfill their interests, I will help people who are having fractures in their bodies, and they cannot move.

Furthermore, if I have money superpower, I would help poor and orphaned people, also I will organize a big charity to help needy and orphaned and fulfill their interests

. Moreover, if I have mental superpower, I would make many researches and invent new things to rise up my country.

Finally if I have any kind of superpower I would use it to help people.

How do you reward yourself?

How do you reward yourself?

If you reward yourself after any work you make, you will achieve many things in your life, because when you reward yourself, you take a push and hope to do another success.

There are many ways to reward yourself. About me, when I do my work, I reward myself in many ways. Like, if I achieve hard work, I go to my best friends and stay with them, play, cook, eat and talk about everything in our life.
Furthermore if i achieved any work in my life, I go to Nile River and take small craft and stay in the middle of the river. It is amazing and interesting feeling, when you reward yourself with something you love it.

Finally if you reward yourself you will be able to do anything in your life.